Thao Talks

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Why I'm in Indonesia?

Back in 2012, I did a study abroad in Singapore for one semester. Til this day, I still believe that was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. I took full advantage of Singapore's international airport to hop all around Southeast Asia. Unknowingly, I ended up making 3 separate trips to Indonesia.... Pulau BIntan because it was a short ferry ride away to chill on a beach with friends. Bali...because it's Bali and I got to scuba dive with manta rays. Pulau Weh in Sumatra to get my advanced open water certification.

If you haven't caught on my now.... I LOVE SCUBA DIVING. One of the greatest lesson's I learned in grad school is how to turn my passion and hobbies into research. Thanks to some incredible advisors, hours of re-writing my proposal, and a bit of luck....I'm back in Indonesia for the 5th time and this time... as a Fulbright Student Researcher. Researching the Indonesian perception about their marine protected areas. I get to do all the things I love: reading, writing, making connections and hearing people's stories, and scuba diving in some of the world's coveted underwater ecosystems. 
