Why I'm in Indonesia?

Back in 2012, I did a study abroad in Singapore for one semester. Til this day, I still believe that was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. I took full advantage of Singapore's international airport to hop all around Southeast Asia. Unknowingly, I ended up making 3 separate trips to Indonesia.... Pulau BIntan because it was a short ferry ride away to chill on a beach with friends. Bali...because it's Bali and I got to scuba dive with manta rays. Pulau Weh in Sumatra to get my advanced open water certification.

If you haven't caught on my now.... I LOVE SCUBA DIVING. One of the greatest lesson's I learned in grad school is how to turn my passion and hobbies into research. Thanks to some incredible advisors, hours of re-writing my proposal, and a bit of luck....I'm back in Indonesia for the 5th time and this time... as a Fulbright Student Researcher. Researching the Indonesian perception about their marine protected areas. I get to do all the things I love: reading, writing, making connections and hearing people's stories, and scuba diving in some of the world's coveted underwater ecosystems. 


Thao Nguyen

Thao is determined to see the world with her own eyes. She was tired of learning about places through books or the biased American school system. She took off to Singapore for a study abroad program in 2012 and hasn’t looked back. Follow for travels to Cuba, Indonesia, Vietnam, and more to learn first-hand experience in countries that often have a distorted political reputation.

Scuba & Travel Content Creator

M.A. - Political Science, Environment & Natural Resources

Fulbright Student Researcher - Indonesia 2018


Travel blogging is so damn pretentious


Thank Goodness Square Space was invented