Guide to Academic Sponsored Travel: International Edition

Study Abroad Ebook & Travel Planner

A 65+ page resource & travel guide for college students interested in international travel. Free travel planning templates.

I show you exactly where I applied for scholarships and grants. I link all the websites to easily click and apply. I also show you the receipts for over $30,000 USD to study abroad and travel to 10+ countries.

Interested in how I traveled to 10+ countries during my time in college?

Are you a college student who wants free money to travel the world and study abroad?

Do you like reading travel stories about places like Singapore, Indonesia, and Costa Rica?

This ebook is for you!

The book has 3 main sections 
1. Resource and guide to finding travel money for students
2. Travel guide to all the places I visited with scholarships and grants:
- Singapore
- Costa Rica
- Thailand
- Indonesia & more….
3. FREE 13 pages of travel planning templates.