FreeWiFi Passwords in Vietnam

Simple WiFi passwords in Vietnam

Many businesses in Vietnam aren’t creative with their wifi passwords. Many hotels, cafés, etc. typically have very easy passwords, so even they don’t have to remember something difficult. Thus, making it quite easy to guess the password of a place.

Now a days, if you’re staying at the hotel or buying a coffee at a café…many will have free wifi for paying customers. I’ve been to a few places where the password was 12345678,88888888, or 99999999.

So if you’re too lazy to ask, try these numbers because many places aren’t that creative with their passwords.

However, be a decent human and buy a coffee or a drink if you’re trying to use someone else’s resources.

Thao Nguyen

Thao is determined to see the world with her own eyes. She was tired of learning about places through books or the biased American school system. She took off to Singapore for a study abroad program in 2012 and hasn’t looked back. Follow for travels to Cuba, Indonesia, Vietnam, and more to learn first-hand experience in countries that often have a distorted political reputation.

Scuba & Travel Content Creator

M.A. - Political Science, Environment & Natural Resources

Fulbright Student Researcher - Indonesia 2018

Afternoon nap time in Vietnam


2019 Sustainable travel, marine conservation, and cultural immersion